Freitag, 8. Juli 2011

A Social Media Story - Day3

Amnesty International has attended to the case of Emin Pascha, who has been found dead this morning. A wave of solidarity not only raises the anger in Nowerestan, but sweeps the whole world on Twitter. #Pascha has become a popular synonym for the revolution.

via stockxchng Egypt Revolution 3 by runin0

His interview that was only 2 days published in several foreign, mainly western online newspapers and bears heavy accusation against Nowerecom and Telsup has gained now global attention in reprints, tweets and blogs. The commentaries have lost focus on the national operator Nowerecom, but hit hard on the Global Player Telsup, who only weeks ago has published a Corporate Social Responsibility report.
No reaction from Telsup so far.


A Social Media Story - Day1

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